Choose Your Mobile Fancy Number Online from CYMN BSNL Portal

BSNL has launched dedicated site CYMN BSNL portal and mobile application for "Choose Your Mobile Number Online" to select bsnl fancy mobile numbers at affordable price.

The new site allows users to navigate the states in each of the 4 Indian Zones, including the North, East, West and South zones.

Choose Your Mobile Fancy Number Online from CYMN BSNL Portal
BSNL has significantly improved the web application to Pick your cymn bsnl fancy numbers. Now users not only can select bsnl number online they want, but also choose the bsnl magic number and the best bsnl available mobile numbers online at affordable price.

By participating or registering account at BSNL CYMN portal for bsnl fancy numbers booking can bid any series of Raising mobile numbers or VIP mobile numbers or Magic mobile numbers or Triple numbers, etc.

How to select BSNL fancy numbers online at CYMN BSNL portal?

  1. Visit
  2. Choose your state
  3. You will get a table showing the numbers.
  4. You can choose the filter and say "start from" or "contains" and search for the desired number
  5. After choosing the number, click on "Reservation number"
  6. It will ask for your current number. Enter that, for BSNL to send you a pin.
  7. Once you have obtained your PIN, you will need to go to the nearest BSNL customer service center and show your PIN and your mobile number.
  8. Complete all procedures and submit documents.
  9. After verification of the document, the number will be allotted.
Choose Your Mobile Fancy Number Online from CYMN BSNL Portal

Which scheme BSNL Offers fancy numbers booking?

BSNL whenever generates new fancy mobile numbers or recycled mobile fancy numbers in their telecom circle, announces the launch of the "Choose Your Mobile number" scheme known as Online bidding for potential GSM customers to select your choice bsnl easy remember mobile numbers at (BSNL eauction website for bidding online fancy mobile numbers)

Upcoming article Read: How to bid bsnl mobile fancy number online at cheap rate?

Choose Your Mobile Fancy Number Online from CYMN BSNL Portal
Under this bsnl eauction scheme for bsnl mobile fancy number, customers can select any mobile phone number of their choice from the available list of around 1 lakh numbers or less already available on their website: By selecting the desired available number, the customer will be notified of a 7-digit PIN code, valid only for 4 days.

Choose Your Mobile Fancy Number Online from CYMN BSNL Portal

Subsequently, the customer must enter the PIN code received via SMS on the website, confirming acceptance and selection of the new mobile bsnl connection number. Registered user PIN code generated can carry to the nearest bsnl customer service center or approaching any bsnl channel partner for submission of required documents to grab bsnl vanity number.

Choose Your Mobile Fancy Number Online from CYMN BSNL Portal

In a first type selection option given to the customer, it is certainly an innovative feature launched by the state-owned telecommunications company Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. However, this leads everyone to think about the importance of the mobile number in this era, since once we feed it on our phone, it is practically not necessary to memorize it.

In a nutshell, the "Choose your mobile number(cymn) - bsnl" scheme is innovative, but it may be ineffective.

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